Thursday 26 November 2020

Understand Why Acupuncture for Stress and Depression is the Best Solution

Stress and depression are two problems that are common among people in this modern age. Use of medicines would have severe side effects on physical health, which forces people to adopt acupuncture for stress and depression. This form of secondary mediation would show significant results without any long-term side effects.

As people realize the side effects of normal medicine, they are looking for alternate therapies. The most common practice is acupuncture, acupressure and cupping therapy in Melbourne. The keen interest of people has forced more practitioners to adopt this procedure more frequently. Its effectiveness is working in its favour, making the eastern form of medicine popular in the country.

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine, in which the practitioner inserts micro-needles, into specific nerve points, throughout the body. These nerves are known as meridians, which play an important role in the body’s communication pathways.

The experienced practitioners would use these meridians to treat depression and anxiety. These pathways allow energy (called QI) to travel throughout the body, which brings balance to the nervous system and immune system. Experts believe that each needle inserted would help in stimulating a sensory nerve, which kicks into action, involving the brain. The brain than triggers a response from the immune system and release endorphins (which are body’s painkillers), which travel throughout the body and stimulate the healing process.

The practitioner would generally take thirty minutes for a session. Once the professional places these needles, they would move them with hand or stimulate them with electric current, to promote neurochemical activity in the body.

Experts suggest trying acupuncture as additional support; mainly, it helps patients in several ways.

The most important reasons for adopting acupuncture are:

  • Effective: Studies have shown that acupuncture has reduced the severity of depression. A few people even have shown minimal signs of this mental condition.
  • Alternative to toxic medications: People do not report any signs of side effects of this procedure, like normal medicines. If used as part of a holistic approach, then it helps in treating the condition naturally.
  • A good option for pregnant women: Pregnancy would need women to stay away from medicines. In such situations, the needle therapy could help them, even from staying from severe mental conditions.
  • Mood booster: The process aims to treat symptoms of specific body conditions, but one can enjoy an overall increase in their health.

An experienced or trained professional could provide the benefits, while a novice could only create more issues.

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