In today's times, people prefer acupuncture for anxiety and depression over counselling. People tend to experience these issues more often due to judgemental society and rising pressure at work. It leads to fear and inferiority every time. Sure, you can take the help of a counsellor for releasing stress and tension. But acupressure is worth trying to reduce the feeling of anxiety and depression.

It is a form of Chinese medicine fertility in Melbourne, which is almost twenty-five hundred years old. The practitioner uses needles to stimulate the various areas of the body. According to ancient Chinese medicine, two life force flows in the body are known as "qi" and "qa". The insertion of needles balances the life forces, which flows through the pathways in the human body. A specialist goes through three hundred fifty acupuncture points in the body for accessing meridians.
This therapy is beneficial for reducing general anxiety disorder. Anxiety is an extreme condition of worrying and stress. In such a mental state, people feel that nothing is in their control. The insertion of needles balances life energy, which increases body control. It slows the production of stress hormones that reduces the constant feeling of worrying.
Moreover, this treatment has almost no side-effects. Many prescription drugs from psychotherapist have severe side effects and lead to dependency on them. As it regulates the body’s chemical balance naturally, it prevents people from taking medication.
Acupuncture is also helpful for depression. The insertion of needles in a specific part of the body eliminates negative thoughts and emotion. The prime role of inserting needles is to unblock the energy, which also influences the mind. One will feel better and happy with the balancing of “qi” and “qa”. If you want to reduce the mental issues, refer to this treatment from the leading therapy centres in the body.